Sparkler Ideas
Sparkler ideas – remember, be safe!

Sparkler ideas can be the defining spark of any event. Of course, as fun, as they are to use, it should be considered that these aren’t toys and that care should be taken. But people seem to forget this! Well, it seems like we’ll just have to chalk that up to the attractiveness and charm that sparklers have that stops people from thinking straight. Always ensure that children are being supervised at all times. Despite the fact that sparklers may cause burns, sparklers are only as dangerous as you make them. We assure you that so long as you follow standard precautions and are responsible with sparklers, you will have a very fun and enjoyable experience with our sparklers!
Wedding Sparkler ideas are here!

Wedding sparklers are similar to normal sparklers that you would typically find at firework displays. Remember those stick like items that children wave around during Christmas time and New Year’s Eve? That’s them! Wedding sparklers are very similar to those, in the sense that they give nearly the same (if not the same). There are, however, a few noticeable differences in wedding sparklers in comparison to normal sparklers that one needs to be aware of.
Coming close to a wedding day and planning to host an evening event? It is definitely advised to make use of sparkler ideas to add that special sparkle to your wedding. Seeing as most women especially desire to have an entrance which is that of a fairytale princess, one can achieve this with the aid of wedding sparklers. Many of you may be wondering now what wedding sparklers are, and how they are usable for the purpose mentioned above.
Alternative Sparkler ideas

This hand-held firework has never been so famous, especially now with all of the new types of sparklers available. Different colours, burning times and shapes of sparkler available means that they can be used for considerably any celebration. No matter what your big event is, it can be made just that little bit more unforgettable just by using sparklers. From an innovative idea to light someone's way to a creative concept that can look fantastic, sparklers are safe, they look excellent, and they are capable of brightening up almost any event.
If you intend to use the sparkler ideas at your wedding, remember that you can only do so by using wedding sparklers. The traditional sparklers found at firework displays are not at all suitable for this purpose. Traditional sparklers are small and prove to be dangerous for this purpose. Also, the smaller versions burn out much faster. Now that said, it’s definitely a romantic idea, and certainly, something that is proving to be increasingly popular and more and more people are looking for the perfect way to make that one evening unforgettable.
Small, regular, large? It’s all in the size!

Firstly, it is important to remember that this will not work with normal length sparklers. You will require the more extensive, 18-inch variety because not only do these burn for up to 2 minutes, they are also long enough to ensure that there is enough room for both the bride and groom. Secondly, after ordering enough wedding sparklers (usually no more than 24), it’s important to make sure that you are prepared! Ensure there is easy access to buckets of water for extinguishing the sparklers, with a first aid kit handy too.
Before lighting the wedding sparklers, share your plan with everyone and conduct a quick test without lighting and if everything goes well, it’s time to have fun. Ensure your lovely couple is aware of the magnificent tunnel and that guests are standing far enough apart so that sparklers do not come into contact with the bride, groom or other guests. Then get ready, and get lit!
The result is magnificent, especially the wedding sparklers archway with that classy look that it has. This is really something that you can be adapt to almost any occasion. Birthdays and anniversaries are some such examples. With countless things to do with wedding sparklers, the only thing your guests and you need is to be aware of is the safety aspects of wedding sparklers.
We have a very wide range of sparklers to suit your needs. So, if you are not interested in purchasing from our sparkler ideas collection, then please do check out the other collections of sparklers we have for sale and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.